beat365平台 professor instructs student on using manufacturing computer equipment


Building on the certified production technician certificate, the six classes f或者是 precision machining certificate focus on computer numeric controlled (CNC) automated machinery used to produce parts from metal, 塑料, 或者其他材料. 数控机工对控制能力进行调整, 定期检查, and review the finished product to ensure readiness f或者是 next step in production.




Suggested Degree Plan for 精密加工(CNC)机械师 Certificate
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
第一学期 Details
CAD 101 CAD制图与读图导论 Details 3
Introduces the student to basic tools and techniques needed in the drafting and blueprint reading profession as applied to CAD. 1.5个课时,3个实验课时
先决条件: (没有)
呸!咄! 101 开辟你的道路 Details 1
针对新生, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students f或者是 college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. 这门课程也能培养学生的能力, which will assist them with the complexities of college life.
先决条件: (没有)
垫100 数学技术 Details 3
A course designed to cover mathematical processes and problems that relate to career, 技术和劳动力应用. Specific topics include fractions; decimals, 比, proportion and percentage; measurements; and area and volume.
先决条件: (没有)
有限公司103 制造维修概论 Details 2
This course provides a basic understanding of tools and equipment used in manufacturing and knowledge of how to improve productivity through predictive and preventive maintenance. Course content is based on the 制造业 Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician curriculum. Students will qualify to sit for MSSC-M4 - Maintenance Awareness Certification through the MSSC.
先决条件: (没有)
有限公司104 质量/持续改进 Details 3
This course provides an introduction to controlling and improving quality in a manufacturing setting. It explores ways that manufacturers use data and analysis to improve quality and introduces students to lean manufacturing techniques. Course content is based on the 制造业 Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician curriculum. Students will qualify to sit for MSSC-M2 - Quality and Continuous Improvement Certification through the MSSC.
先决条件: (没有)
有限公司113 制造业概论 & 工业安全 Details 3
This course provides students with an introduction to the manufacturing world and provides specific instruction to facilitate safe work practices in industrial environments. It introduces manufacturing specializations such as mechatronics, 精密加工和焊接及盖防火安全, 加压气体, 电气危害, 安全使用机器, 锁定标签. 学生学习工业噪音的概念, 机保护, 电气安全, 化学物质接触, 危险废物, 工人赔偿法, 责任, 以及工作场所的一般安全预防措施. Course content is based on the 制造业 Skill Standards Council (MSSC) Certified Production Technician curriculum and OSHA standards. Students will qualify to sit for MSSC-M1-Safety Certification through the MSSC.
先决条件: (没有)
有限公司135 精密加工1 Details 3
本课程提供机械加工过程的概述. The course introduces a wide variety of skills in the planning, 金属制品的加工和精加工. 培养学生使用手工工具的基本技能, 钻床, 带锯, 普通车床, 立式铣床及相关设备. 1.5个课时,3个实验课时.
先决条件: 先决条件/条件:有限公司113
第二学期 Details
CAD 230 制造工艺导论 Details 3
Acquaints the student with the following areas of manufacturing processes: material control, 生产控制, 材料处理, 质量和成本控制, 采购程序, 和J-I-T过程. Students will qualify to sit f或者是 MSSC-M3 - 制造业 Processes and Production Certification.
先决条件: (没有)
有限公司106 数控车削 Details 3
Students will be provided with a blueprint and will be responsible for programming, 编辑, and choosing cutting tools to create a finished part on a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) turning center. Students will program, set-up and produce finished parts. The course includes programming for producing fast finished parts along with all documentations needed f或者是 parts produced. The course is designed to meet the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) Level 1 CNC milling certification. 2个课时,2个实验课时.
先决条件: 有限公司111或部门同意
有限公司111 数控铣 Details 4
学生将学习编程, 编辑, and produce a finished part using a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining center. The course will start with basic programming methods and advance to more complex programming codes. Students will be responsible for setting-up and producing finished parts within the tolerances that are specified. The course is designed to meet the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) Level 1 CNC milling certification. 3课时,2课时实验.
先决条件: 有限公司135或部门同意
有限公司235 精密加工II Details 3
This course provides a working, hands-on of machining processes. The course introduces a wide variety of skills in the 金属制品的加工和精加工. 培养学生使用手工工具的基本技能, 钻床, 带锯, 普通车床, 立式铣床及相关设备. Not everyone will pass the NIMS testing; this does not mean you will fail the class. 1.5个课时,3个实验课时
先决条件: 有限公司135或部门同意
有限公司250 物理冶金学 Details 3
介绍金属的性质, 金属的各种形式和形状的影响, 热治疗, 相图, and principles concerning material science including atomic and crystal arrangements and their effect on mechanical properties. Lab work will include testing ferrous and nonferrous metals through hands-on examination.
先决条件: (没有)

Gainful 就业: For more information about graduation rates, 成本, 完成课程的学生的平均债务, 还有其他信息, 请浏览我们的 就业信息 对于特定的学习证书.