Multiple engineering students discuss difficult calculus problem


基础工程概念由华盛顿大学培养的教授讲授, 为学生转入竞争激烈的四年制学院或大学攻读工程专业学士学位做好准备. Emphasis is placed on developing, 建筑, and testing prototypes for mechanical devices, 工具, engines and machines.

Instructor teaching class

Career Opportunities

  • Architectural and 工程 Manager
  • 起草者
  • Materials Engineer
  • 核工程师
  • Natural Sciences Manager
  • 物理学家
  • Petroleum Engineer
  • 销售工程师


Work with a counselor to get your personalized plan!

Suggested Degree Plan for 工程 (AES)
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. 在每学期注册课程之前,一定要和导师讨论你完成课程的具体需求.
第一学期 Details
CHM 103 Principles of Chemistry I Details 4
全面涵盖化学的基本原理,包括化学键, 命名法, 反应, 化学计量学, 热力学, kinetics and equilibrium. Designed for pre-med, pre-pharmacy, 工程和科学专业,数学和科学背景高于平均水平. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: P1 902L, CHM 911.
先决条件: MAT 113 with a grade of "C" or above within two semesters, or appropriate placement test score, or consent of department; Students who have taken high school chemistry will have an advantage
101年英格 Rhetoric and Composition I Details 3
大学水平的介绍性写作课程,关注写作过程中每个阶段所需的技巧. 修英语101课程的先决条件是具备英语语法能力, 力学, 标点符号, 和拼写. 艾:900英镑.
先决条件: eng099成绩为“C”或以上或适当的分数线
呸!咄! 101 Blazing Your Trail Details 1
Directed to new students, 本课程提供了向高等教育文化的支持性过渡. 课程目标旨在通过获得有效的学习技巧,并了解可用于学术和个人成长的大学资源,为学生的大学生活做好准备. This course also develops students' abilities, which will assist them with the complexities of college life.
先决条件: (没有)
垫220 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I Details 4
本课程旨在向有意攻读工程相关学位的学生介绍导数和积分的概念, science or mathematics. Specific topics include functions and graphs; slopes and rates of change; limit theory and continuous functions; formal differentiation; application of differentiation; integration; and applications of integration. IAI: M1 900-1, MTH 901.
先决条件: MAT 113和MAT 114成绩为“C”或以上,在一个学年, appropriate placement score, or consent of department
PHL 111 Logic/Critical Thinking Details 3
This course covers inductive and deductive methods in logic. 它的目的是帮助学生在逻辑分析和推理的方法. [au:] [qh.
先决条件: (没有)
第二学期 Details
CHM 104 Principles of Chemistry II Details 4
继续全面介绍化学的基本原理,包括原子结构, 共价键, molecular structure, properties of gases, 液体, 固体, 和解决方案, acid-base chemistry, oxidation-reduction 反应, and electrochemistry. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: CHM 912.
先决条件: CHM 103
102年英格 Rhetoric and Composition II Details 3
A continuation of 101年英格; provides further practice in writing at the college level for a variety of purposes and audiences, using both fixed and open or developing forms. Research paper required. [au:] [au:.
先决条件: completion of 101年英格 with a grade of "C" or above
垫221 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II Details 4
本课程旨在将导数和积分的概念扩展到超越函数,并介绍先进的积分方法. Specific topics include derivatives and integrals of transcendental functions; advanced integration methods; infinite series; introduction to differential equations; polar graphs and calculus of polar curves. IAI: M1 900-2, MTH 902.
先决条件: 垫220,在一学年内取得“C”或以上成绩或经院系同意
227年体育 Principles of 物理 I Details 5
First of the two-semester calculus-based physics sequence, this course is for engineering and science majors. A thorough coverage of the fundamental principles of physics, including kinematics; Newton’s Laws; work and energy; conservation of linear momentum; angular momentum; rotational dynamics; and harmonic motion. 4 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: PHY 911
先决条件: 垫220; Advanced high school physics recommended
第三学期 Details
CAD 114 Introduction to Parametric Modeling Details 3
本课程是工程设计和图形学的入门课程, including design problems, 草图, 尺寸标注, 公差, multi-view orthographic representations, 辅助视图, 部分观点, and working drawings using SolidWorks. 1.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours
先决条件: (没有)
101年生态 Principles of Macroeconomics Details 3
介绍现代经济理论和公共政策的主要领域, including fiscal policy, international trade and finance, economic growth and development, and contemporary macro-economic problems. [au:] [qh.
先决条件: (没有)
EGR技术203 工程 Mechanics: Statics Details 3
本课程运用微积分讲授工程力学的基本理论, involving the description of forces, 运动, and couples acting on stationary engineering structures, equilibrium in two and three dimensions, free-body diagrams, 摩擦, 重心, centers of gravity, and moments of inertia. [au:] [au:.
先决条件: 227年体育
垫222 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III Details 4
本课程旨在将先前学过的微积分概念扩展到三维空间. Topics include vectors; vector functions and motion; surfaces, coordinate systems and drawing; derivatives of functions of two or more variables; applications of partial derivatives; multiple integration and integration in vector fields. IAI: M1 900-3, MTH 903.
先决条件: 垫221成绩为“C”或以上,在一学年或部门同意
228年体育 Principles of 物理 II Details 5
Continuation of the two-semester calculus-based physics sequence. This course is for engineering and science majors. A thorough coverage of the fundamental principles of physics, including electricity, 负责, electric field and potential, 电阻, 电容 and 电感, dc and ac circuits, 磁场, 高斯定律, 安培定律, and Maxwell's Equations, and electromagnetic waves. 4 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: PHY 912
先决条件: 马太福音221章227节
第四学期 Details
CSC 119 编程我 Details 3
This course involves problem solving on the introductory level, teaches structured and object oriented language, C++, 并使学生了解作为以后课程工作基础的方法论.
先决条件: CSC 112 with a grade of "C' or above; Intermediate algebra skills recommended
102年生态 Principles of Microeconomics Details 3
Market structures, distribution of income, allocation of resources through the market, and contemporary micro-economic problems. [au:] 902.
先决条件: (没有)
EGR技术204 工程 Mechanics: Dynamics Details 3
本课程运用微积分讲授工程力学的基本理论, involving the motion of particles, 刚体, and systems of particles, 牛顿定律, work and energy relationships, 解决工程问题的冲量和动量原理. [au:] [qh
先决条件: EGR技术203
EGR技术221 Electrical Circuit Analysis I Details 4
本课程旨在教授电路和系统的原理,以及基本的电路元件(电阻), 电感, mutual 电感, 电容, independent and dependent controlled voltage, and current sources). Other topics covered include topology of electrical networks, 基尔霍夫定律, node and mesh analysis, DC circuit analysis, operational amplifiers, transient and sinusoidal steady-state analysis, AC circuit analysis, first- and second-order circuits, 波德图, 并利用计算机仿真软件解决电路问题. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: EGR 931L
先决条件: 垫222 and 228年体育; it is recommended, but not required, that students have taken 垫251
垫251 Differential Equations Details 3
本课程旨在向学生介绍常微分方程的解法及其应用. Specific topics include ordinary differential equations of the first order; applications of first order differential equations; linear differential equations; linear differential equations with constant coefficients; applications of second order differential equations; systems of linear differential equations; Laplace transform. 艾:MTH 912.
先决条件: 垫222成绩为“C”或以上,在一学年或部门同意

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